My only grumble about this cottage is the amount of grass cutting I have to attend to. This shot is of our 'front' garden. I have another area of grass to keep under control in our 'back' garden!
The above was taken about a couple of years ago my wife, Pat, was still smoking cigarettes. A month later she gave up the nasty weed, with the aid of nictotine patches. It's not easy to quit this habit but she was ordered so to do by the medics. She succeeded, with just one minor backslide, and has now been nicotine free for virtually two years. I gave up in 1972. Just stopped it; felt so enslaved by it and hated it.
I need a gardener. One who would tend the grass, the plants, and the weeds!
No takers for the 'Pick you own' weeds even though I asked no fee. Can't understand it. I have some of the best weeds in the Scottish Borders.
I'd offer to do the lawns but even with a sit down mower, it would be a bit of a ride to get there from here. You two look comfortable and happy at any rate.
Love the garden! I know it's a pain, but how lovely!
And good for both of you for giving up cigs...
It is absolutely lovely! It's so very green, which sounds foolish, but out here we have a lot of buffalo grass (very pale green) and Kentucky Blue Grass isn't quite that color either.
It's gorgeous! I'm sorry it is a pain to maintain, but it's quite impressive to behold. You look like the Lord and Lady of the manor with all that land stretching off behind you.
Well done to both of you for being able to kick the habit!
The land looks wonderful to me. I have always wanted to have land, but I would imagine it would be a lot of work, unless you had the funds to pay for help.
I gave up smoking 2 and half years ago also. It is great to be free of a nagging habit. I got so tired of running out and having to go buy them, and never being able to smoke when and where I wanted like in the old days. Glad to be free of it...
Can't you buy a sheep or something that will just roam around and eat it?
It's lovely :-)
Such a sad trade off Philip. Let me be the first to offer to trade your cottage and acres of lush lawn and gardens for my own minuscule arena.
Of course though I would have to plant tobacco in some portion of the garden or another.
Thank you for your comments, Princess Pauline, De-lovely Bug, the scintillating Lady Shimp of Shimpshire, Breathtaking Brenda, Perfect-Prism, and Mark the Strong Walker.
I should point out that my bit of grass only extends to the farmer's wire fence, just past the washing line poles! (Thank goodness!) The little clump of trees were planted by me from tiny baby plants in 1999. In the back garden I've planted 3 apple trees, 3 pear trees and two Victoria plum trees. These are only a couple of years old but already I have some small apples on one tree and tiny pears on another. I've planted them much too close together but who cares!
In the front part of the back garden, in 1999, I planted a "Stella" cherry tree to remind me of my first love who, sadly, died a few years ago.
I met Stella when I was sixteen and a half; she was 22+ and I was head-over-heels about her. I fibbed about my age and have never forgiven myself about that little off-white lie. I slid away from her like a snake in the grass, too young and stupid to own up.
The birds get all the cherries as usual!
Cheers, Phil
Love the sign, can't think why people wouldn't want to help themselves. We have a big garden but we're no gardeners. There's only one gardening question in my mind: what time of the year is it best to lay concrete. I love other people's gardens though.
Now that is very green grass... on the other side of the pond of course :)
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